• 言語選択(Language)

2018年04月02日 JAPAN

International hair salon in Tokyo (hayato roppongi hair salon )
Our Salon of personality all of stylist will say to the first thing is a bilingual staff. But it will not work by itself. Our stylist we also respect of foreign hair expert. It is by training program staff HAYATO has been built up over more than 20 years, after receiving the training of technical and language in all of the staff NY head office more than two years, you can debut as a stylist of TOKYO shop.

And commitment not only service, is located in the ingenious technical capabilities. It has developed its own shampoo technology as the best relaxation for women as one of them. It's the acupressure technique / massage was our guidance from the direction of professional Shiatsu was in addition to the conventional shampoo method.

When the inner surface of the beauty and the outer surface of the beauty of the mind is in harmony what women and become beautiful because we think. Currently, in the same way as women and Western women in Japan, Dipendento (dependent) women who were independent (independent) from it has been increasing.

Tokyo store, and is loved by people of such women, offers a wide range of meaning for the latest information of NY.
HAYATO NEW YORK we will consider not caught in the creation of a service that now also satisfy customers in the framework of the beauty salon.

関連URL: https://ag5.power-k.jp/hm-hmml/view/hmml/hmml010/hmml01000.html?sCompanyCd=12&sOfficeCd=20

