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Hair texture varies among individuals from different ethnic backgrounds, with Asians and Westerners exhibiting distinct characteristics. These variations play a significant role when it comes to hair colouring techniques and outcomes.

In this article, we will explore the differences in hair texture between Asians and Westerners and delve into how these differences influence hair colouring processes.


Asian Hair Texture:
Asian hair typically exhibits the following characteristics:

Colour: Predominantly black or dark brown due to a higher concentration of eumelanin (black-brown pigment) and a significant presence of pheomelanin (yellow-red pigment).

Strand Thickness: Individual strands tend to be thick.

Hair Strength: Good elasticity and resilience.

Curl Formation: Asian hair has a tendency to develop natural curls or waves.

Cuticle Thickness: The cuticle layer is relatively thin, making the hair more susceptible to damage.

Western Hair Texture:
Western hair often showcases the following features:

Colour: Varied shades, including blonde, brown, and red. Having less eumelanin results in blonde hair, while having a higher amount of pheomelanin leads to red hair.

Strand Thickness: Individual strands are generally fine.

Hair Texture: Soft, smooth, and often described as "fluffy."

Curl Formation: Western hair is less prone to developing natural curls.

Cuticle Thickness: The cuticle layer is relatively thicker, offering more protection against damage.


Impact on Hair Colouring:

Colouring Ease: Asian hair is more receptive to hair colouring due to its abundance of protein and thinner cuticles, which allow for better dye absorption. The higher concentration of red-based pheomelanin in Asian hair also contributes to easier colour transformation, making shades like orange and red more achievable.
Conversely, Western hair, with its higher eumelanin concentration and yellow-based pigmentation, tends to be less prone to developing red undertones, making it easier to achieve blonde or translucent shades.

Lightening and Bleaching: Lightening or bleaching Asian hair to achieve shades like those commonly seen in Western hair requires additional effort and expertise. The darker pigment of Asian hair often requires multiple bleaching sessions to achieve desired lightness, as the melanin concentration is higher.

Colour Results: Due to variations in hair texture, melanin concentration, and pigmentation, the same hair colour applied to Asian and Western hair may appear differently. Asian hair, with its thick strands and higher red-based pigmentation, may result in more pronounced warm tones like orange and red. Western hair, with its fine strands and higher yellow-based pigmentation, tends to exhibit cooler tones with less prominent red or orange hues.

Hair Damage: Asian hair, despite its strength and resilience, is more susceptible to damage during the colouring process due to its thinner cuticles. On the other hand, Western hair, despite its lack of volume, is protected from chemical damage due to its thicker cuticles.


If you have Asian hair and plan to get your hair coloured in Western countries, it is recommended to seek out a stylist with specialized knowledge. This is because hair colour products in Western countries are often formulated to be stronger than those in Asia, which can potentially cause more damage. A stylist with expertise in handling Asian hair can help minimize the damage and achieve the desired colour result while prioritizing the health of your hair.

At HAYATO LONDON, we offer a range of hair products that can cater to various hair textures. Our staff members are equipped with extensive knowledge and experience, and they approach hair colouring with great attention to detail.
We invite you to try our colouring services at HAYATO LONDON.

