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“Hard water in Europe damages my hair.”
“My skin/hair is dry since I came to Europe.”

Some of you may have heard or even felt these things.
So what is hard water? Why does it have such bad effects?

We will tell you about the effects of hard water on your hair and skin and what you can do about it.


What is hard water?

Hard water is water with a high degree of hardness.
Hardness is a measure of the amount of minerals such as calcium and magnesium in the water.
In other words, the water we use in London contains a lot of calcium and magnesium.

So how does hard water affect your hair and skin?

When you wash your hair and body, the calcium and magnesium in the tap water mixes with the ingredients of shampoo and soap to form stains known as soap scum.
Soap scum is a white, chalky residue that appears as a white or grey filmy layer that covers the surfaces around our showers, bathtubs, and sinks.

Soap scum is known to be alkaline and insoluble in water. It remains on the hair easily and increases friction between the hairs, causing an unclean, waxy feel and coarsening.
Short-term issues may turn into long-term problems. Leaving these problems unresolved could even lead to breakage or hair loss.


Now that we know what hard water is, let's talk about what you can do.
  1. Install a water softener shower head
The simplest method is removing calcium and magnesium before the water touches your hair and skin.
While the best method for purifying your water is to install a water softener in your home, this can run on the expensive side.
A cost-effective alternative is to purchase a water softener shower head.
  1. Use a chelating/clarifying shampoo
Chelating shampoos and clarifying shampoos are designed to remove mineral build-up from the hair, leaving it clean and refreshed.
However, they can be drying, so it’s recommended to use them once a week, followed by a good conditioner.
  1. Final Rinse with Bottled or Filtered Water
Using bottled or filtered water for your final rinse can also help minimize the effects of hard water.
While this method doesn’t entirely remove the presence of minerals, it can help to reduce their impact on your hair, leaving it feeling smoother and softer.
  1. Acidic rinse
Acidic shampoos and conditioners, or even water mixed with apple cider vinegar or citrus fruits, can work wonders to combat the effects of hard water on your hair.
Because soap scum is alkaline, the acidity helps to remove the mineral deposits left behind by hard water.
This acidic rinse will not only balance the pH of your hair, but also leave it feeling soft and silky.
  1. Regular hair care at the hairdresser
Treating your hair and scalp once a month or two can improve hair loss and damage caused by hard water by removing mineral build-up in the pores and by stimulating blood circulation with cleansing shampoos and head massages.

HAYATO LONDON offers amino acid based shampoos that are mildly acidic, paraben and sulphate free, lather well in hard water, are gentle on the scalp and hydrate the hair.
We also offer deep conditioning treatments with high repair and moisturising effects, so we can recommend products to suit the condition of your hair and scalp.
If you are suffering from hair damage or have stopped caring for your hair because of hard water,
Let's get back to proper hair and scalp care for beautiful hair.

